Supported Living Services
Start To Finish SLS will provide the most comprehensive training and support to consumers to help them achieve all their independent dreams and goals. Start to Finish SLS wants to be the guiding light in consumers lives. Start to Finish SLS wants to lead consumers down a path to complete and total independence.
Start to Finish SLS will provide ongoing monitoring to help confirm, assure, or signal the following:

Significant changes in the consumers individual needs and preferences are reflected in the SLS component of the IPP.

Provision of necessary and appropriate assistance will be given to the consumer when locating, securing, and maintaining a place to live. Start to Finish SLS will.

Supports and services remain responsive to the consumers individual needs and preferences.

A community-oriented life in which all generic and natural supports are accessed consistent with the individual needs and preferences of the consumer.

Risk of endangerment to health, safety, and well-being will be minimized at all times.

A network of critical and durable relationships with others, including a circle of support consisting of a majority of members who are not paid to support the consumer, and with appropriate family participation.
Start to Finish SLS will fully support the consumers ability to take responsibility for making life decisions on the basis of their preference that enhance the prospects for total increased independence, self-reliance, and self-esteem for implementing those decisions effectively and consistently.